
echo $this->Html->icon('pencil');
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i>

Icons - Easy icons

Sometimes, you may want to use the Bootstrap.HtmlHelper::icon method in combination with other helpers such as Bootstrap.PaginatorHelper or Bootstrap.FormHelper to insert icons in buttons or other elements. To ease the process, some methods provide a shortcut to insert icons:

// The following...
echo $this->Form->button($this->Html->icon('pencil'), ['escape' => false]);
// ...can be easily rewritten as:
echo $this->Form->button('i:pencil');

This process is called easy icon, the easy icon format is i:icon-name where icon-name is the name of the icon (the name is not checked by the helpers, so you can use custom icon names if you want). You can use easy icon in most methods of the Bootstrap helpers, if you find a method which does not work, do not hesitate to open an issue so that I can add support for it!

Important: The helpers used internally by other helpers are linked to the View instance in CakePHP, this means that the easy-icon feature will only work if the Html helper associated with your View is Bootstrap.Html (or a class with a icon() compatible method):

public $helpers = [
    'Html', // Standard cakephp helper
    'Form' => [
        'className' => 'Bootstrap.Form'

echo $this->Form->button('i:pencil'); // Error: \Cake\View\Helper\HtmlHelper::icon does not exist!

Tip: To disable easy icon, simply do $this->MyHelper->easyIcon = false; (replace MyHelper by anything relevant).

Icons - Custom set of icons

In Bootstrap 3, the default set of icons is Glyphicon, but the helpers can be used to generate icons from any sets by customizing the icon template:

echo $this->Html->icon('home');
    'icon' => '<i class="fa fa-{{type}}{{attrs.class}}"{{attrs}}></i>'
echo $this->Html->icon('home');
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i>
<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>

If you want to use another set of icons with easy icon, you need to customize the templates of the Html helper used by your views:

    'icon' => '<i class="fa fa-{{type}}{{attrs.class}}"{{attrs}}></i>'